Thursday, December 4, 2014

Compare and contrast Websites digital scrapbooks

          Let's say you want to make a slideshow, but you don't know which photo scrapbook site to use. Well for the beginning you try them both out then you determine which one you like best. The two sites that I used to make my scrapbook were Photobucket and Photoshow.

          The first website I used was Photobucket. In my opinion it was a cool website but the features that it lacks like able to edit some things but overall it was a pretty cool site to use if you enjoy to keep your pictures original. Even though you can't edit the pictures you can have good quality in your pictures. If your asking yourself if this site is user friendly, I will tell you the truth it is user friendly. Based upon the pictures that I used to test the site it is clear to see the pictures, No blurriness or scratchy look.
          The second site that I used was Photoshow. This, by far, is my favorite from the two because it is so easy to use and is extremely understandable. I'm pretty sure that if anyone used this website they would be satisfied with what they got. Let me tell you the pictures were so  nice and good looking that it was hard to tell that you even took them like that.

          Some similarities between these to sites is that they both are easy to use but the Photoshow site is by far the simplest to use than Photobucket. Another thing is that your pictures both come up great and good. Some differences is that Photoshow allows you to add things to your pictures like music and the background while photobucket only lets you put your photos.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Scavenger Hunt

My Favorite 5 photos from the above are smile,birds eye view, complex painting,someone walking away, and the significant bird. I like these photos because one I took them and I think their amazing and two because their cool in their own way even though a few were mistakes. This assignment was about going around taking pictures of things that match the description in this case my pictures.